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Products by Category
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Automation SystemsCustom-made and off-the-shelf automation solutions for chemical process and other industries.
Coriolis MetersCoriolis Mass flow meters and controllers that offer unsurpassed accuracy and unmatched zero stability in demanding low flow liquid and gas applications.
Flowmeter AccessoriesElectronic Registers and Totalizers, Strainers, Air Eliminators, Flow controllers, Gas Calibrators and more...
Industrial EthernetIndustrial grade Ethernet hubs, switches, routers and media converters for next generation industrial automation, process control and building automation systems.
Industrial NetworkingComponents and modules for various Industrial Networking technologies like ARCNET, CAN/DeviceNet, Profibus, Foundation Fieldbus, Modbus.
Industrial VentilationIndustrial fans for confined space ventilation, process equipment and personnel cooling, and fume exhaust and filtration.
Level GaugingLiquid storage tank gauges & systems. Also marine tanker gauging and overfill prevention systems.
Marine waste treatmentSystems that oxidize and disinfect marine sewage.
On-site ElectrochlorinationSolutions and systems for industrial and offshore facilities requiring disinfection of water systems.
Oval Gear FlowmetersSpecific type of Positive Displacement meters that are designed for use in chemical measurement and industrial process facilities.
PD MetersPositive Displacement flowmeters of the highest accuracy that are used in the custody transfer of petroleum products and in a variety of other chemical and industrial process applications.
Piping FittingsRubber and steel expansion joints, sight glass, Y-pattern strainers and more...
Piping ValvesAlmost every type of valve for any demanding chemical process and general industrial application.
Special ValvesDouble Block & Bleed, Positive Shut-off and Control valves. Also standard and tailor-made valves in special alloys.
Steam TurbinesSingle and multi-stage steam turbines that serve virtually every major industry utilizing steam for manufacturing process or power generation.
Tank FittingsP&V Relief Valves, Gauge Hatches, Vents, Emergency Relief & Manhole Covers, Flame Arrestors and more...
Tank Floating RoofsInternal floating covers, floating roof seals, suction lines and accessories.
Thermal Mass FlowmetersThermal Mass Flowmeters and Controllers with either analog or digital interface. Extensive product range that includes UHP, Metal or Elastomer Seal and IP65 protection.
Turbine Meters
VA FlowmetersMetal or Glass Tube Rotameters and Purgemeters that are ideal for many gas or liquid flow applications.
Valve ActuatorsElectric and Pneumatic actuators for valves and sluice gates.

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